What Does A Logistics Operations Manager Do – And Can They Help Your E-commerce Business?

To keep a business afloat, an online brand needs to track inventory, manage fulfillment and shipping operations, oversee products reaching their destination, and optimize different eCommerce supply chain stages.

That’s why an Ecommerce Operations Manager plays a critical role in the success of a direct-to-consumer (DTC) brand.

To better understand the e-commerce business, this article provides an in-depth look into the responsibilities of an e-commerce operations Manager, the job implications, and tips for success.

Our Operations Manager and Head of Back-Office, Jelena Radmanovic, will answer a few leading questions about her role.

Which parts of working in e-commerce do you enjoy the most, and which parts do you find the most challenging?

The most enjoyable part of working in EC is versatility – in clients, products, and services. There’s nothing dull or passive in e-commerce. Every new day is equally exciting and challenging. Part of e-commerce that I enjoy least is how unpredictable it can be. Many external factors we can’t control or influence can change the course of business more quickly than in other industries.

From the experience of a Logistics Manager, what is the best way to maintain a positive customer experience?

Honesty! For sure. Always be straightforward with your client. If you are sincere, every problem will be solved faster and less painlessly. Provide realistic expectations, and don’t promise fairytales you can’t finalise to gain a client. You will lose that client as soon as he realises what you promised can’t be accomplished.

How do you analyse the performance of your logistics team?

I pay attention to how fast and successful problems are solved, the client’s satisfaction level, and the cost-benefit ratio.

In your opinion, what is the most important thing in a fulfillment company organisation?

Explicit allocation of duties and responsibilities.

In your opinion, what is the future of e-commerce?

It will definitely be Sustainability, recycling, artificial intelligence, and cryptocurrency.

Describe a typical day at work as a Logistics Manager.

There’s hardly anything typical when you work in eCommerce. Every day is a new adventure. 😊


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